Jackie Henry D'Agosto
Jackie's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Dec 03, 2024 at 1:50 PM
Happy Birthday to you, Nancy! Our 60th Renton class of 1965 reunion is coming up next August, would love to see you!
Happy belated birthday to you! So glad that you finally joined our official class website. A few years back, I hosted a Spring Glen Reunion and did my vest to track you down. Lots of former grade schoolers inquired abo
UT your where a bouts. Come to a reunion, they are alot of fun!
Happy birthday Jackie. Enjoy your day.
Judy and I not only graduated together but also worked together at Kmart when it first opened in 1972. We had many fun shifts folging towels and straightening fabric. Judy wanted to be a mom and once that happened, I feel her mission in life was complete. RIP Judy.
Happy Birthday, dearest Jackie! Wishing you a most wonderful day. I can't believe that we have known each other for 66 years. :)
Posted on: Oct 10, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Posted on: Oct 10, 2021 at 8:36 PM
Happy Birthday! Wiashing you a day as wonderful as you are!
I really didn't know Doug in high school ( I knew of him, however). But on our 50th RHS reunion, I was helping out at the golf tourny, handing out golf towels to all the participants when Doug approached me and asked if he could be my helper! Now, how could I turn that down! In the short amount of time that we were together, I realized what a super person he was and wish that I could of discovered that years ago! RIP Doug, we will see you on the other side someday.
One of the finest from RHS '65. Always great to visit with. See you on the other side someday.
Posted on: Oct 10, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Mike was a special member of our reunion committee, always had great ideas, some a little wacky and funny at times, but we loved him. The thing that I remember most was his love for his family and his pride. He was always chasing a dream...
Posted on: Oct 10, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Stephen, I am hosting a Spring Glen Reunion this summer. Would love to see you there. Please tell your brothers and sisters. The more the merrier. Go to the info about the 53rd.get together and read the info about Spring Glen.
Happy birthday Jackie. I hope you have a fun day.
Posted on: Oct 10, 2017 at 4:33 AM
John will be missed. I personally didn't know him well, but he grew up on Talbot Hill with my husband, Jim.I know from Jim that they shared a lot of childhhood memories. Now they can be together again in Heaven